Liturgical Life
I will praise the Lord all my life
Visitors from parishes of many jurisdictions, from Athens, Austin, Denton, Dennison, the Greater Dallas-Fort Worth region - Shreveport, Tyler, Waco, Waxahachie, Tulsa, and even Clinton, MS, come to monastery for liturgical services and to enjoy monastic hospitality.
The monastic community has been most fortunate in the dedication of many priests who have contributed to the liturgical life of the monastery. Father John Anderson (St. Seraphim), as the chaplain of the Monastery, serves the Divine Liturgy on Saturday mornings. Father David Bozeman (St John Damascene) frequently serves the Divine Liturgy when major feasts occur during the week. Father David also conducts pre-Sanctified Liturgies regularly throughout the Great Fast. In addition, Father David offers informal sessions on a variety of spiritual topics for the nuns. Archimandrite Gerasim (St. Seraphim) assists the nuns in their monastic life and advises the community on administrative matters in addition to serving the Divine Liturgy.
Priests from other jurisdictions, especially when bringing a group to the monastery, conduct memorial services, Vespers, Akathists, and other prayer services, as well as the Divine Liturgy.
Monday to Friday - 6AM Matins, 1st, 3rd, 6th Hours, 6PM - 9th Hour, Vespers, Small Compline
Saturday - 9AM Divine Liturgy, 6PM - 9th Hour, Great Vespers, Small Compline
Sunday- 6 AM Matins, 1st, 3rd, 6th Hours, Akhatist, 6PM - Vespers